Well I know I haven't posted for a while that's the way it is for us single lone parents. But so much so that I have decided to sell my FA Cup Final collection from 1960 - 2008 including replays. I have made up some images of the aforementioned but even if I don't sell my programmes, I am really happy with the way the images have turned out . I made four pictures for the listing, below. Well I 'll sign off with that and let the images speak for themselves.
Welcome to FA Cup Finals, this blog is an off shoot from my EBAY shop. I am a lone dad of 2 and in these uncertain times of economic woes and tribulation. The only suitable "work" I can find is that of being an online marketeer, whereby I buy & sell stuff mainly football programmes. But I have not limited myself to this exclusively. Sometimes I have just wanted to chat to other people just to find out what it is they value (monetary terms). If I can supply a need and fill a niche, this is all the more important as I have to feed and clothe 2 kids. Everyone of my listings has a logo see below. I try to describe everything as honestly as I can and hopefully their is consumer confidence that is associated with my logo. Maybe some of the infomation & views will help you decide whether or not to buy that fa cup final programme or not. Occasionally in my posts I will cross over to other footballing finals that I find interesting or have come across during my footballing programme collecting. Always feel free to visit my shop Mickey's Bric a Brac or email me; cogmick@yahoo.co.uk