Apart from gaining a trophy over sworn rivals Manchester United this is a really good video my thanks to whoever made it. I also include an image I made of this final. Thanks for reading, please leave a comment or email, as I would really like to know if this blog has any audience and what they think. Cheers Mickey
Well I have come to decision about my 1938 FA Cup Final and that is I must invest some money getting it repaired, although this is not cheap, I think it's worth doing. I have some scans of the programme concerned in an earlier posting, it's also going to take about a month. So I will post the results as I get them, thanks for reading this. Mickey
I thought that I would focus on another hard to get FA Cup Final that being the 2006 Liverpool v West Ham United, for some reason this is another year where there was a low print run. The match itself was uneventful as both teams cancelled one another out, but the one memorable moment was where Steven Gerrard scored an amazing goal. I include an image of the programme and a video recording of that incredible goal. Thanks for reading this.
As you may have worked out, this is the 2nd time that I have up for sale this collection of FA Cup Finals and the price has increased, this is due to a combination of factors, but I have also included a modest amount to the price for my time in producing this listing and collecting the programmes. Whether you are the winner or not, I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed my blog, do feel free to email me or leave a comment. I include a close up (above) scan of the rare 1993 FA Cup Final Replay, this is probably the rarist and certainly one of the hardest of the modern day cup finals to get. If you have a flash player I certainly recommend viewing the post below this. Thanks for reading/watching and feel free to leave comments. Mickey
1979 FA Cup Final Arsenal v Manchester United, 3 - 2. The winning goal came from a cracking goal scored by Alan Sunderland, but in my opinion it showed the true genius of Liam Brady. I have uploaded the video. Enjoy & many thanks for visiting.
Well I know this blog is very infrequent and not many people know about it. But that it is the way it is, but here is an FA Cup Final as of the title this particular copy is not in particularly good condition, ie it has rust spots,holes, the staples removed and some pencil marks on team page. If it doesn't sell maybe I will get it professionally restored. But for the moment I am just happy to let it sit on Ebay in my shop. Well here are some images of the aforementioned programme.
Welcome to FA Cup Finals, this blog is an off shoot from my EBAY shop. I am a lone dad of 2 and in these uncertain times of economic woes and tribulation. The only suitable "work" I can find is that of being an online marketeer, whereby I buy & sell stuff mainly football programmes. But I have not limited myself to this exclusively. Sometimes I have just wanted to chat to other people just to find out what it is they value (monetary terms). If I can supply a need and fill a niche, this is all the more important as I have to feed and clothe 2 kids. Everyone of my listings has a logo see below. I try to describe everything as honestly as I can and hopefully their is consumer confidence that is associated with my logo. Maybe some of the infomation & views will help you decide whether or not to buy that fa cup final programme or not. Occasionally in my posts I will cross over to other footballing finals that I find interesting or have come across during my footballing programme collecting. Always feel free to visit my shop Mickey's Bric a Brac or email me; cogmick@yahoo.co.uk